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A primary school teacher by trade, helping people become the best version of themselves runs deep in my veins.

Recognising each and every person as an individual, and beyond that, celebrating their unique qualities, is truly what makes my heart sing.

So, it was only natural that when I started my small business “Beads en Folie,” unique designs, that incorporate customisation, was an important factor that I knew I had to embrace.

I’m Em. My business is not about one size fits all. It’s about celebrating your own unique style and allowing you to design your own accessories that fit your lifestyle.

Donating 10% of my sales is also an important way I give back, and help communities make a difference in the world.

My products include:

  • keychains

  • double keychains

  • lanyards

  • bag tags

  • necklaces for mamma and mini

  • Earrings

Here at Beads en Folie our best-selling products are our Bundles.

Birthday Bundles, Goodie Bundles, Corporate Bundles, Classroom Bundles, are all completely customisable to your needs.

We have a range of beads and accessories for you to choose from and it makes me so happy to make each and every order unique to you.

Hope to see you on my website soon.

Em x

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