theme-options theme-options-production-1676958420.css The Bean People - Spotz Marketplace for Mums

The Bean People Australia is owned by a mum of one and offers a range of unique kids bath products, all handmade with love. Our products contain only food grade ingredients, making them safe for children. Our Sprudels also contain sodium bicarbonate which is great for soothing those bumps and bruises after a long day of fun. 

If you have trouble getting your little one into the bath, want a secret cheering up tool to end those sadder days or just want to treat your kids to some bath time excitement, give our bath beans and Sprudels a try.    

We believe that children learn best through play and should be encouraged to use their imagination and create their own fun. While the fizzing colourful Sprudel and emerging surprise sponge toys may result in loud shrieks of excitement or sheer amazement, the value to children is the time they spend exploring their cute sponge toys. Just like adults, children need time to unwind, and what better time than bath time. Using their minds to create imaginary stories about their characters or animals and concentrating on carefully sticking their sponges to the side of the bath to illustrate their story is a great way for children to use their imagination, practice their fine motor skills and have time to themselves (similar experience to mum’s much treasured long bath with a good book). 

We hope our products bring joy to your home and make bath time a fun and relaxing experience for you and your kids. 

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