theme-options theme-options-production-1676958420.css Friendly Boxes (aromatherapy & eco friendly gift boxes) - Spotz Marketplace for Mums

Friendly Boxes (aromatherapy & eco friendly gift boxes)

Friendly in nature, Friendly on nature

Friendly Boxes started from a passion for creating eco-friendly products, reducing the toxins we use, and gift-giving. The concept of Friendly Boxes is modest: a box of eco-friendly, thoughtful and gentle products for yourself, or a gift for that someone special. 

I decided to start Friendly Boxes as my contribution to the environment & low tox living. I was frustrated with the harsh products available for my family and frustrated with gift hampers that are simply a collection of items I can buy at the shops. I love giving gifts and I thought what’s better than to combine my passion for gifting and making natural products for my household! 

Friendly Boxes packaging is limited, hence reducing our footprint on the earth. All ingredients are toxin-free and our products have been thoughtfully curated, meaning you receive a gentle, eco, and thoughtful product each and every time. 

I hope you enjoy your Friendly Box as much as I have enjoyed creating them!


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