theme-options theme-options-production-1676958420.css AwesomeSource - Spotz Marketplace for Mums

Just like any good story, it starts with a crazy idea…

Ours started with a crazy idea to make drinking less, COOL.

Within weeks, my partner Ben built a distillation rig to extract botanicals and perfect the recipe. *don’t worry, lawyers- we don’t make G&Ts on our kitchen table anymore.*

I would wake up to a safety-goggle-clad Ben, tinkering with flammables, whilst I rallied half the country to work with us on everything else.

Within months, we added the extra pressure of giving birth to a baby, renovating a home, moving in and out and launching awesome source.

People thought we were nuts. We thought we were awesome.

Our undivided attention (whilst juggling 287623 balls) was to launch the best non alc G&T in the world. The fanciest. The tastiest. The most natural.

When people tried them, they told us they “prefer it over real G&Ts”. They loved the refreshing flavour, the botanicals, and the lower sugar profile.

They loved the glass bottles, the Yves-approved, black and white packaging, the one-of-a-kind gift boxes.

The truth is our story is just like yours. A bunch of authentic people with audacious goals. Our BHAGs* just centre around making your drinking experience superbly beautiful.

And we’re so damn lucky to serve you**.

– Frances & Ben


*a fancy marketing term for big, hairy, audacious goals. *eye-roll*

**not literally. You’ll need to open the bottle yourselves.

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