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Spiral Crafts

Ana Salas

As a jewellery maker for my brand Spiral Crafts, and a crafty person I love it so much when I go to buy materials. I can spend so much time imagining endless possibilities when I see different colours, textures, tools and so on.

Recently I found myself wrapping crystal stones with waxed threads faster than I used to  – although wire wrapping is my favourite – now I enjoy more thread wrapping (macrame). A

t the moment I’m very happy because we just added a stockist on our list. As a mompreneur it can be challenging how to balance all aspects in life without getting overwhelmed or hysterical – especially when you need to work but your kid is not entertained with anything, so then  I make sure to have a break. And what a better company than your own kids.

Well last but not least, I’m proudly Mexican so yes, I love tacos and spicy food! I’ll tell you a secret: we Mexicans even put chilli and lime on popcorn …mmm Yumm!

Ana Sala - Spiral Crafts

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